
Water Pollution In Indonesia

The Citarum River in Indonesia is being heavily polluted, and ruining peoples lives. The small village of Sukamaju is nestled around this extremely polluted river. These people use this river for many numerous things. For example they use it to drink, to bathe, in and as an open sewer. Children also play in this river for recreational purposes. People are getting strange skin infections resulting from drinking and bathing in this water. For example, a 60 year old woman has a skin infection that causes her to have a welts, lumps, and dark marks on her skin. Also her face and neck is extremely itchy as well. The ADB (Asian Development Bank) will work hard with the Indonesian government to rehabilitate the entire river basin. Some day we hope that these people will be able to live a healthy life, and have a cleaner supply of water.

The Marilao River

The Marilao River is on the ten dirtiest rivers list. It is polluted with many various things. For example the river is polluted with plastic wrappers, rubber slippers, banana trucks, and a carcass of a dog floating in the nasty, dirty, brown river. Greenpeace did studies and showed that the quality of fresh water is steadily increased. People said that they do not dare catch fish in this river, because it is so dirty. They only try and catch fish when there is a heavy rain and the river overflows. Also there are many chemicals in this river that causes bad health and well-being.

The Ganges River

The Ganges River is the largest waterway in India. It is one of the longest rivers in the world. Also this river has become the largest religious icon in the world. The people that use this river do many things that make this river so polluted today. One thing that people do is when people die; they cremate them because they believe that it cleanses the soul. Even after they cremate dead people, innocent babies are being baptized in these polluted waters. The main functions of this river are agricultural use, industry, as an energy source, transportation, drinking, bathing, and baptisms. Also there has been a chemical leak which is making bathing and drinking very hard, because the water is so polluted. Also there is one billion tons of untreated sewage that enters the river every day. These conditions are neither safe nor healthy. Something needs to be done so these people can live a healthy and safe life.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


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  1. Seriously, that's just gross. I know we live at a higher standard of living, but there are probably other water sources nearby that can be used. Still, we should worry about cleaning these rivers up, because all rivers eventually reach the ocean. And frankly, I don't want to go to Hawaii on vacation and find the soda can that I threw away 6 years ago.

  2. For real though. Just think about how all the affects people that live near these rivers have. They have to use these rivers for so many different things, and if they are in such bad conditions they will eventually not be able to survive.

  3. Wow! Indonesia has some major porblems on thier hands with water pollution and deforestation like I talked about in my blog. Something really needs to be done for places like these because these people use this river for everything. It is sad that they can get infections from drinking or bathing in the water because that is all they can use. something needs to be done.

  4. Well, the creek by my house isn't quite that bad, but it is still pretty dirty. There are broken bottles littering the bottom, leeches, random trash, etc. I went swimming in it with a friend, and I cut the bottoms of both feet, and he got two leeches stuck to him. I couldn't even imagine how the people near these rivers are, and I don't really want to. I don't think any life could survive in that water, so maybe leeches aren't that big of a concern in those rivers.

  5. Tyler, I know something defiantly needs to be done. For some people it is hard to survive in areas like this. It is very upseting that people actually have to put up with these horrible water conditions.

  6. Lee, that's horrbile too, that your creek is that polluted. I think something extreme needs to be done about water pollution around the world today.

  7. Water pollution i very serious it affects people in other countries and it affects us like Lee stated. There should be stricter laws against this and the punishment for water pollution should be more severe. Just looking at the Allegany river makes me worried, there is so much trash in the water.

  8. Unfortunately, people don't care. They think "Well, I'll just throw this in the river, it'll go to the ocean, and it's the fishes' problem." What they don't realize, thought, is that the water on this earth moves in a cycle, so eventually, the water will carry it back. By then, though, the trash will have decayed into the water itself, making it extremely difficult to purify it. And they also don't realize exactly how dependent we are on oceans to survive.

  9. Tyler, thats so true. There defiantly should be way stricter laws prevented water pollution in rivers around the world.

  10. Exactly lee, no one really knows or cares about the rivers and ocean today. People depend on them more than people think. And it is really sad, because innocent people are getting ill or even dieing from polluted waters.

  11. It is also hard for these countries to clean up their rivers because they are poor and can't afford to put money into water clean up but htey can help by not contributing to the pollution.

  12. Excellent thoughts and views but I would like you to step outside of the box for a minute. We have been born and raised in a fairly wealthy country. We have access to unbelievable amount of resources that the vast majority of the world's human population does not have. This includes fresh water, indoor have to understand that we view the world by how we live in it. the people that live in third world countries view the world how they have been raised...they would view us as very wealthy (given the chance to see our world). On the other hand, bring someone here that was born and raised in the very richest part of the world and they would look at most of us as peasants. So my point is that what gives us the right to impose our world view on these third world countries? Do we have that right? Are we really concerned about the wealth of people in third world countries? How says that the way we live is the best and that everyone else needs to live like us? And, finally, can our planet support the human population at the level of our life style (here in the US)?

  13. I understand where your coming from, but we are not only concerned about third world countries wealth. We are more concerned about their health and well-being. And no not everyone has to live like we do, but if something is not done about their water supply than millions could end up extremely sick or eventuly dead. And I think that yes, our planet can support the human population. But if we do not do something that somewhat slows down our use of water, than someday in the future our supply may be scarce.
