
Water Pollution In Indonesia

The Citarum River in Indonesia is being heavily polluted, and ruining peoples lives. The small village of Sukamaju is nestled around this extremely polluted river. These people use this river for many numerous things. For example they use it to drink, to bathe, in and as an open sewer. Children also play in this river for recreational purposes. People are getting strange skin infections resulting from drinking and bathing in this water. For example, a 60 year old woman has a skin infection that causes her to have a welts, lumps, and dark marks on her skin. Also her face and neck is extremely itchy as well. The ADB (Asian Development Bank) will work hard with the Indonesian government to rehabilitate the entire river basin. Some day we hope that these people will be able to live a healthy life, and have a cleaner supply of water.

The Marilao River

The Marilao River is on the ten dirtiest rivers list. It is polluted with many various things. For example the river is polluted with plastic wrappers, rubber slippers, banana trucks, and a carcass of a dog floating in the nasty, dirty, brown river. Greenpeace did studies and showed that the quality of fresh water is steadily increased. People said that they do not dare catch fish in this river, because it is so dirty. They only try and catch fish when there is a heavy rain and the river overflows. Also there are many chemicals in this river that causes bad health and well-being.

The Ganges River

The Ganges River is the largest waterway in India. It is one of the longest rivers in the world. Also this river has become the largest religious icon in the world. The people that use this river do many things that make this river so polluted today. One thing that people do is when people die; they cremate them because they believe that it cleanses the soul. Even after they cremate dead people, innocent babies are being baptized in these polluted waters. The main functions of this river are agricultural use, industry, as an energy source, transportation, drinking, bathing, and baptisms. Also there has been a chemical leak which is making bathing and drinking very hard, because the water is so polluted. Also there is one billion tons of untreated sewage that enters the river every day. These conditions are neither safe nor healthy. Something needs to be done so these people can live a healthy and safe life.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


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